Nyle Siddiqui

I'm a 3rd-year Ph.D student at the Center for Research in Computer Vision at the University of Central Florida advised by Dr. Mubarak Shah.

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My research broadly spans the field of computer vision, with specific interests including generative AI, diffusion models, action recognition, person recognition, and representation learning. You can check out my selected papers below, with important papers highlighted.

DVANet: Disentantgling View and Action Features for Multi-View Action Recognition
Nyle Siddiqui, Praveen Tirupattur, Mubarak Shah.
AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Main Technical Track (AAAI), 2024
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We propose a novel transformer decoder-based architecture in tandem with two supervised contrastive losses for multi-view action recognition. By disentangling the view-relevant features from action-relevant features, we enable our model to learn action features that are robust to change in viewpoints. We show that changes in viewpoint impart perturbations on learned action features, and thus, disentangling these perturbations improves overall action recognition performance.

Machine and Deep Learning Applications to Mouse Dynamics for Continuous User Authentication
Nyle Siddiqui, Rushit Dave, Mounika Vanamala, Naeem Seliya.
MDPI Journal of Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction (MAKE), 2022
(4th most cited MAKE paper in 2022)

DLCR: Leveraging Diffusion and Large Language Models for Effective Clothes-Changing Re-Identification
Nyle Siddiqui, Alin Croitoru, Gaurav Kumar Nayak, Radu Tudor Ionescu, Mubarak Shah.
Under Review

Currenly under review. We use diffusion to improve clothes-changing person re-identification.

Mentor in NSF-REU
NSF Image Philomina Ekezie, REU 2023
Joseph Ho, REU 2024

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